

Covid Concerts at Residential Units around Co. Wexford (2020)

The Music Exploration Programme is a partnership between The Arts Ability Programme at Wexford County Council and Wexford Mental Health Association/HSE.  Emily Redmond is the Music Exploration Officer and she delivers music workshops in person and online to clients within the Mental Health Services throughout County Wexford. 

The programme explores the role of music in mental health recovery for individuals attending community mental health services and those in residential settings in the County.

Participants have the opportunity to explore and learn a huge array of musical instruments and musical activities, in a relaxed, safe environment.  A sample of some of the instruments: Boomwhackers, handbells, ukulele, keyboard, violin, percussion instruments, djembe and cajun drums, guitar, tin whistle etc.

Some of the activities carried out in the workshops: Song analysis, musical appreciation, song writing, notation, music theory, aural skills, vocal warm ups, singing rounds, singing popular repertoire, graphic notation, drum circles, improvisation – vocal and percussion, conducting, body percussion, composing instrumental pieces etc

The Music Programme embraces partnerships with guest facilitators and community musicians to offer fresh and innovative workshops for participants attending the weekly groups.  Here are a sample of some of the collaborations over the last few years – Contemporary dance project with Deirdre Grant, Songwriting projects with Jimi Cullen and Justin Cullen, Drumming with Nicky Bailey and Conor Moore, Traditional Song Project with Aileen Lambert, Vocal workshops with Ellie Bowers Jolley from Wexford Festival Opera and Vocal classes with Patricia Goggins and Ruth Gallagher.

Inner Harmony

Wexford and Nothing Can Ever Bring Us Down, written by Inner Harmony (all participants from Community Groups around the County) and Jimi Cullen. 

Inner Harmony recorded both songs in 2018 and their cd was launched at the Wexford Mental Health 40th Anniversary Concert in St Iberius Church in 2018.  Participants were interviewed on South East Radio and both songs received significant airplay. 

CDs are still available for sale in Trax music store, Wexford Town and WMHA, Henrietta St, Wexford Town.

Before the Storm

Before the Storm was a song-writing project with Justin Cullen and the young people from CAMHS Wexford, HSE in partnership with Music Generation Wexford.

Performances and concerts

From 2016 to present day with participation from clients from Community Groups and Residential Units in County Wexford Mental Health Services.

  • Slaney Manor Concert, July 2017
  • Sky and the Ground Concert, October 2017
  • Wexford Mental Health Association 40th Anniversary Concert in St Iberius Church, October 2018
  • Christmas Concert, St Mary’s Church, Enniscorthy, December 2019
  • Informal Sessions at Houlihans, Enniscorthy and The Sky and the Ground
  • Wexford County Council PPN Event at The National Heritage Park
  • Rainbows and Bandaged Skies Exhibition, Wexford County Council
  • Christmas Busking at Wells House
  • Yearly Christmas Busking on Main St, Wexford Town
  • WRIDS Exhibition Launch at Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy